The craze for shorts began during the 1960s, when a young girl named Mary Quant first wore a mini-skirt and began wearing shorts as part of her outfit. Though women had been wearing shorts for a few years prior to this, men had been wearing shorts as part of their athletic ensembles since the late 19th century. While most exercise machines of the era were designed more for torture chambers than for exercising, shorts were still part of the outfit.
The sexual revolution shook up the female dress code, with women increasingly choosing to wear very short shorts, or hot pants. Although short slacks had been worn as early as the 1930s, they were often worn for sports or as beachwear. The 1970s saw hot pants made into fashionable shorts, which were made of manmade materials. Some famous designers, such as Mariucci Mandelli and Mary Quant, incorporated the style into their designs. you may share your article on forexinghub and thehomeinfo. So that, your website rank on Google as well and get more information from worldtravelplace and worldupdate
Today’s shorts come in many different styles, fabrics, and colors. You can choose from Bermuda shorts, tie-dye shorts, and even patterned ones. Shorts can also be worn in combination with tank tops or sneakers. The craze began in the 1960s when the counterculture took full swing and people were trying to express themselves through their fashion. For a more retro look, consider wearing shorts with a pair of vintage sun glasses and a tan leather shoe. is one of the best website where you find out latest news also click here for more information. You can visit here to know more and if you want to get various types of news then check out this site